Chalet "l'agachon"
Le Grand Puy
85 m² 8 personas 4 habitaciones
Los favoritos son los alquileres que has marcado como favoritos.
Para añadir una, haga clic en el recuadro gris de la parte superior derecha de las ubicaciones.
Para eliminarlo, vuelva a hacer clic en el corazón del mismo lugar, que será de color naranja.
The family-oriented Blanche Valley ski resorts - Saint-Jean-Montclar, Chabanon-Selonnet, Grand-Puy - are located in a carefully preserved environment. The facilities are on a human scale, and the villages have been able to preserve their traditional mountain identity. Down-hill skiing, cross-country skiing, alpine ski touring, snow-shoe excursions, etc. Grand-Puy is ideal for beginners, snow cover is excellent at Chabanon-Selonnet, and Saint-Jean-Montclar offers an excellent high altitude skiing area.
Altitud de la estación : 1300 m
Pistas de esquí alpino : 20 Km
Pistas de esquí de fondo : 22 Km
Parque de nieve : No
Le Grand Puy
85 m² 8 personas 4 habitaciones
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